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Vacuum Fluctuation in the Macro- and Microcosm
(or, Surfing the Primordial Gravity Waves)
by Iona Miller, ©2000
In the beginning was the Void. Sound waves [the Word] originated in the first instant of the universe’s life, when the cosmos underwent an extraordinary expansion. No one really knows what drove it, but by stretching the very fabric of space, it magnified a weird subatomic phenomenon that is known today as the spontaneous materialization of particles from a complete vacuum. Vacuum fluctuation underlies both cosmology and quantum processes.
Vacuum-spawned particles are constantly flickering in and out of existence around us, arising from and sinking back into the void. During inflation, this process like everything else in the universe, was magnified tremendously. The rapidly expanding early universe imparted enough energy to these particle wannabes that instead of quickly subsiding into the vacuum, they remained in the real world. The sudden influx of countless particles from the vacuum was like a stone thrown into the dense particle pond of the early universe, sending out ripples--pressure waves. And pressure waves rippling through a gas are nothing more than sound waves. The entire universe rang like a bell.
Those reverberations were abruptly silenced 13 billion years ago, when the universe became transparent. Once photons were traveling freely through space, [“Let there be Light!”], there was no longer enough pressure to support the sound waves. But before fading forever, those echoes of creation had left their mark on the cosmic microwave background. When sound waves were still spreading through the universe, they compresssed the particle soup in some regions of the cosmos and rarefied it in others. Pressure changes cause temperature changes--increase the pressure in a gas and the temperature increases. Microwave photons coming from these various regions have slightly different temperatures. The temperature patterns show the universe just as it was when the particle fog--and the sound waves--vanished.
To look at the nature of the froth of vacuum fluctuation in its fundamental relationship to this universe, we must lift the veil on the activity occuring at the subatomic threshold where Nothing becomes Something. This veil has for the history of mankind been the point past which no observation has ever been made, in fact, cannot be made, because it is metaphysical (beyond physical) as we have understood it in the past.
But now, just because it is non-observable directly does not mean that it is non-detectable. In fact, this non-zero exotic energy does exert an influence and create observable changes in conventional physical spacetime. It was defined by Einstein as the Cosmological Constant, the antigravity force he introduced into general relativity.
The cosmological constant is a term in cosmological equations, symbolized by the Greek letter lambda, employed to denote theoretical antigravitylike force. Discovered in 1998, it describes a kind of cosmic antigravity that controls the expansion of the universe, yet with no discernable effect on cosmic structures that are smaller than a billion light-years across. If the force were stronger, it would have stopped stars and galaxies--and life--from forming.
Research shows that the force that drove the early expansion of the universe looks a lot like lambda, stretched quantum waves of vacuum, leading to nonhomogeneous regions, leading to density variations, leading to galaxies. Apparently, lambda didn’t fall to zero at the end of the inflationary epoch but has continued to function, at a reduced level ever since.
A universe composed only of normal matter cannot grow in the fashion ours has been demonstrated to be since its gravity would always be attractive. Observations require that expansion is always accelerating with time. According to Einstein’s theory, the expansion can speed up if an exotic form of energy fills empty space everywhere.
This strange “vacuum energy,” or exotic energy is embodied in Einstein’s equations. Unlike ordinary forms of mass and energy, the vacuum energy adds gravity that is repulsive and can drive the universe apart at ever increasing speeds. There is now evidence for a strange form of energy imparting a repulsive gravitational force.
In the general theory of relativity, the source of gravitational forces (whether attractive or repulsive) is energy. Matter is simply one form of energy. But Einstein’s cosmological term is distinct. The energy associated with it does not depend on position or time--hence the name “cosmological constant.” The force caused by the constant operates even in the complete absence of matter or radiation. Its source is the curious energy that resides in empty space.
Fields are responsible for the transmission of forces. The “inflation” field is simply a function of space and time whose oscillations are interpreted as particles. The inflation field imparts an antigravity force that stretches space. Associated with a given value of the inflation field is a potential energy. Research shows gravity is too weak to combat the expansion.
Scientists wonder why the rate of cosmic expansion is just enough to counteract the collective gravity of all the matter in the universe--it is a great Mystery, which makes our very existence possible. Any significant deviation from pefect balance would have magnified itself over time. If the expansion rate had been too large, the universe today would seem nearly devoid of matter. If gravity had been too strong, the universe would have already collapsed in a big crunch.
Important where inflation is concerned, the quantum picture of the vacuum points out how not all vacuums are created equal. The fluctuating quantum fields in a vacuum have all possible wavelengths and move in all possible directions. If the values of the fields cancel out when averaged over time, that is a classical vacuum, or old-fashioned empty space. But when they don’t cancel out, physicists call this a “false” vacuum, which contains more energy than a classical vacuum.
The first moments of cosmic history show the ambient energy was so great that the entire universe was in a false vacuum state. The energy of the false vacuum acts as a kind of antigravity, and can cause space to balloon at an exponential rate. During inflation, the universe was nearly empty, its energy content having been swallowed up into the false vacuum. Once it decayed to a classical vacuum, its excess energy precipitated like raindrops into the myriad hot particles of the big bang.
Owing to supercooling, cosmic space could have remained in the false-vacuum state for longer than we previously suspected before disgorging itself of the energy that drove its inflation. Indeed, the universe may never have completely stopped inflating--and this prospect has lately returned to favor, since supernovae measurements have disclosed an anomolous acceleration or inflation throughout deep space.
It is possible to test for a nonzero cosmological constant: In such a universe galaxies will be further away than the redshift would indicate under the standard model. A diverse set of observations now compelingly suggest that the universe possesses a nonzero cosmological constant. It corresponds to the energy density of the vacuum and no known principle demands that it vanish.
The cosmic antigravity symbolized by lambda could push omega, the mass density parameter, toward the critical value of one. It is dark energy, the missing part of the equation in accounting for the mass energy density of the universe. Ordinary matter only makes up a small part of this total. The extent of the invisible mass is vast. More comes from hot and cold dark matter, but now scientists have observed by inference the missing dark energy with its property of accelerating space and expanding the cosmos faster than had been believed likely before 1998. This expansion rate, the non-zero value of the cosmological constant, and the allocation of mass density determine the age, size, shape, and fate of the universe.
The original vacuum was a seething foam, full of virtual particles and antiparticles. Quarks, electrons, neutrinos, and their antiparticles are born from the vacuum. But as soon as they materialize, particles and antiparticles encounter and annihilate one another, turning into radiation. The packets of radiation (or photons), in their turn, disappear, giving birth to particle-antiparticle pairs. There is a constant interaction between matter, antimatter, and radiation. The universe is bathed in a soup of quarks, electrons, neutrinos, photons, and antiparticles.
Russian physicist, Sakharov discovered that nature has a slight preference for matter. For every billion antiquarks that arise from the vacuum, one billion and one quarks appear. The preponderance of quarks over antiquarks means that some protons and neutrons remain. For every billion particles and antiparticles that annihilate one another and turn into a billion photons, just one particle of matter will remain, which is exactly the proportion observed in the universe today. All the antimatter disappears.
Everything--galaxies, trees, stars, flowers, humans--arose from the primordial vacuum. The idea of creation ex nihilo, from nothing, is a religious concept that is now confirmed by cosmology.
The inflationary model of the universe is giving way to what Stanford scientist Andrei Linde calls “the self-reproducing inflationary universe.” Linde’s model is based on advanced principles of quantum fluctuations in the inflationary universe. Because it is rooted in advanced principles of quantum physics, it defies easy visualization.
Quite simplified, it suggests quantum fluctuations in the universe’s inflationary expansion have a wavelike character. Linde theorizes that these waves can “freeze” atop one another, thus magnifying their effects. The stacked-up quantum waves in turn can create such intense disruptions in scalar fields--the underlying fields that determine the behavior of elementary particles--that they exceed a sort of cosmic critical mass and start birthing new inflationary domains.
The vacuum itself is such a scalar field, a massless charge field, electrostatic scalar potential. In ordinary vector analysis, a scalar is a quantity completely characterized by magnitude only. Multiple vectors summing or multiplying to zero are present though virtual. The energy of each infolded dynamic vector component is trapped inside the local vector zero system. Physically a zero vector can be a system having a very distinct real substructure of nonzero vector components. These infolded vector components are highly dynamic. (Bearden, 1988).
Trapped energy constitutes a scalar potential in spacetime. Enormous energy may be enfolded and trapped. This constitutes vacuum polarization. The zero-vector system is thus a vacuum engine and a virtual state engine as well. The scalar field is composed of two time fields: one in positive time and one in negative time that is a phase conjugate replica of the first. Thus, the timeless, lengthless vacuum exists both in positive and negative time, and its potentials are scalar potentials. When the vacuum is uncurved, equal amounts and components of positive and negative time exist. When it is curved at a point, the positive and negative time components are unbalanced at that point.
The multiverse, Linde contends, is like a growing fractal, sprouting inflationary domains that sprout more inflationary domains, with each domain spreading and cooling into a new universe. In this model, our universe is just one of the sprouts. Each particular part of the multiverse, including our part, began from a singularity somewhere in the past, but that singularity was just one of an endless series that was spawned before it and will continue after it.
Each universe in the multiverse is a separate closed volume of space and time. The other universes are unavailable to us, just as the interior of a black hole is unavailable. We cannot even know if the universes are finite or infinite in number. Some details of the fluctuation of ripples in background radiation may help us determine the truth. Till then, the theory hangs on assumptions we must make about the physics of very dense states of matter, (Lemly, 2000).
This is the cosmological aspect of the vacuum density energy, but it also has quantum mechanical implications. The non-zero value of the vacuum potential, a virtual or unzipped phase space, underlies quantum processes and influences the random perturbation of subatomic entities. It is possible to engineer this vacuum, to tap its vast potential.
The geometrical underpinnings of this vector equilibrium were first discovered and explained by Buckminster Fuller in his tour de force Synergetics I and II. Vector Equilibrium describes an all pervasive source of energy potential and is anomolous in that its properties are of neither waves nor particles, nor spacetime bound: the vacuum fluctuation is the energy gradient of No-thing taking place No-where or Now-here. It is an eternal source of infinite energy, an inexhaustible fount, or Plenum.
The vacuum is a pure virtual particle, massless charge flux; a virtual state, timeless spacetime itself. It is a highly dynamic state where everything is disintegrated. It is filled with massless charge, or rather is identical to massless charge (disintegrated dynamicism). It is a plenum, not an emptiness. It is also pure action, undifferentiated.
Sidney Coleman, a theoretical physicist from Harvard, has been investigating the nature of the vacuum and its relationship to the cosmological constant. He, and other physicists can’t decide whether the total energy in the vacuum should be positive or negative, but they agree that it is huge. Coleman asserts, “the cosmological constant is zeroed out by wormholes; invisible, submicroscopic rips in the fabric of spacetime that tunnel out of our universe, linking it to an infinite web of other universes.”
The modern vacuum is a seething inferno of fiercly bubbling, fleeting particles. The vacuum has no fixed lengths or rate of time flow per se. The stress of the vacuum is a sort of conglomerate potential “pressure,” where the individual stresses of various types of particles, if integratd by external means, would sum into the overall stress (pressure). Variation of the stress of vacuum between two points in a frame represents a “curved spacetime” or “accelerated frame.”
The stress energy of the vacuum means “fragments” of energy, more subtle than electromagnetic energy, turn against themselves and lock into a “vector zero summation.” This zero-point energy of the vacuum is increasingly being regarded as composed of an incredibly dense structure of virtual electromagnetic energy, even at zero degrees absolute.
This quantum foam was dubbed “superspace” by J.A. Wheeler. Superspace consists of pure massless charge flux, pure scalar waves. The actual electrical charge of the vacuum appears to be enormous, if we could only measure it discharging to an uncharged region. Thus it is space (actually spacetime) that is incredibly dense, and matter that is ethereally thin. Spacetime goes through matter, rather than matter through spacetime, (Bearden, 1988).
Direct engineering of artificial potentials by patterned zero-vector force field summations is the secret of the long-sought “unified field theory.” It is also the secret of the unification of mind and matter into a single scientific discipline.
The vacuum is spacetime. Only changes in (derivatives of) spacetime can be perceived, detected or observed, but not spacetime itself. In negative time, gravity is a repulsion not an attraction. Gravitational potential is revealed as simply infolded electromagnetics, and electromagnetics is simply the outfolding of the internal contents of gravitational potential.
The key to engineering the vacuum is to let the EM force fields fight themselves to a cancellation, forming a vector zero. If we do this in a nonlinear medium (modulator), the summing/multiplying EM vector forces are locked together and remain as an infolded EM system inside the EM vector zero. This now is a gravitational system. By merely varying (in phase) the summing EM components, one varies the local energy density of vacuum. Rigorously that is a gravitational wave.
Quantum cosmology attempts to merge two tremendously successful views of the universe. One of these is cosmology, the study of the universe on the largest scales, which rests on and embodies Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The other is quantum mechanics, which deals with the realm of submicroscopic particles and how they interact. Quantum mechanics has been overwhelmingly useful in describing atoms and atomic nuclei, and cosmology has done so in describing the universe at large.
The rational of the cosmological constant derives from the uncertainty principle, which applies to variables like energy and time. According to Coleman:
What it says in this case is that the precision with which you can measure the energy of any system, such as a piece of empty space, is limited by the duration of the measurement; the shorter the time, the greater the imprecision. And this indeterminacy can never be resolved simply by more accurate measuring instruments; it is inherent in the system itself. Over a short enough time the system can assume just about any energy--and it does. In a world ruled by quantum mechanics, the energy of the system in any fleeting instant can be seen only as a wavelike function.
As a consequence, the vacuum of empty space is not empty; it is pervaded by fluctuating fields of energy that, when large enough, manifest themselve as particles--individual photons, for example, or particle pairs consisting of an ordinary electron or quark and its anti-matter twin, which burst into existence and then annihilate. The vacuum is thick with these short-lived "virtual" particles. It looks empty only because each particle's visit to existence, according to the uncertainty principle, is so infinitesimally brief as to be undetectable.
But the effects of these virtual particles en masse may be detectable. Virtual particles ought to have one effect in particular: their energy ought to warp space. The deformation would be entirely independent of that wrought by ordinary matter, and so, Einstein notwithstanding, it would constitute a nonzero cosmological constant.
How big would the constant be? That depends on how often virtual particles appear in a given volume of space, and it also depends on the type of particles. Virtual quarks and electrons have much the same effect as their "real" counterparts: they cause space to contract. But virtual photons, or any other force-transmitting particles, have the opposite effect: they cause space to expand. There are a whole bunch of things that contribute to the cosmological constant. Some are plus, some are minus, so we expect some of them to cancel. But not the whole lot...
The cosmological constant is very nearly zero. The mechanism, according to Coleman, is similar to virtual particles in that it arises from quantum fluctuations. But this time the fluctuations aren't those of energy fields [zero point energy]; they are fluctuations of empty space itself [vector equilibrium fluctuations].
Stephen Hawking invented the quantum wormhole in 1988. Just as quantum mechanics says there is a certain probability that particles can appear from nowhere in a vacuum, quantum cosmology says there may be a certain probability that a small chunk of space and time will suddenly pop into existence. That is what a wormhole is--a fluctuation in the space-time field, just as a virtual particle is a fluctuation in an energy field.
The wormhole could connect to any one of an endless number of preexisting parallel universes that are otherwise inaccessible to us. There is no reason to assume our universe is the only one; webs of parallel universes are equally possible. They can be imagined like balloons connected to one another by thin, rubbery necks of space-time--those are the wormholes. The regions inside and outside the balloons and wormholes are outside space-time. It doesn't exist.
One meaningful consequence of wormholes is that they might contribute information to our universe in the form of values for the constants of nature. They might also fix the energy density of the vacuum--the cosmological constant. Somehow wormholes arrange things so that the value of the cosmological constant is zero--so that the huge virtual particle components cancel exactly. According to quantum cosmology, this is by far the most likely outcome.
Dark matter, the invisible gravitating substance that seems to make up part of the missing mass of the universe may reside in parallel universes. Such matter would affect our universe's gravity and is mecessarily "dark" because our species of photon is stuck to our membrane (flat universe), so photons cannot travel across the void from the parallel matter to our eyes.
Such parallel universes might be utterly unlike our own, having different particles and forces and perhaps even confined to membranes with fewer or more dimensions. They may have identical properties to our own universse, yet be folded to appear very distant. Dark matter could be composed of ordinary matter, even ordinary stars and galaxies, shining brightly on their own folds, yet emitting no apparent light in our universe. Gravity-wave detectors may find evidence for these folds by "observing large sources of gravitational radiation that cannot be accounted for by matter visible in our own universe." (Arkani-Hamed et al, 2000).
Zero point energy is the kinetic energy that remains in a substance when its temperature is absolute zero. The vacuum has zero point energy, also. Any potential is just a bunch of trapped dynamic vectors, hence trapped vector (translational) energy. It is translational energy that is locally trapped and not translating. The potential is thus like an accumulator or capacitor. It can be "charged up" and "discharged."
The vacuum is increasingly being regarded as composed of an incredibly dense structure of virtual electromagnetic energy, even at zero degrees absolute. Superspace consists of pure massless charge flux, pure scalar waves. If compacted this energy density of the vacuum is enormous.
Here, in the vacuum, spacetime is incredibly dense, and matter is etherically thin. Spacetime goes through matter, rather than matter through spacetime. And this energy density of the vacuum does interact with electromagnetic fields and matter to give observable effects, such as the Lamb shift.
In his inflationary model of the hot Big Bang, Alan H. Guth considers matter to consist of scalar-field particles, (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Dec. 1991). "Such field particles are not the stuff of everyday life, but they do arise naturally in many theories."
Indeed, they are believed to be the dominant form of matter under the extremely high energy conditions similar to those in the early universe. According to the inflationary model, they lead to a kind of negative pressure. Gravity effectively becomes a repulsive force, and inflation occurs. At the end of the inflationary era, the decay of the scalar-field matter producing the expansion heated the (initially cold) universe to a very high temperature.
Although the scalar field is largely homogeneous, it still may have small, inhomogeneous parts. According to quantum theory, these inhomogeneous parts cannot be exactly zero but must be subject to small quantum fluctuations. (In fact, all types of matter are subject to such quantum effects, but for most purposes the fluctuations are so small as to be totally insignificant.)
The rapid expansion of the universe during inflation magnified these initially insignificant microscopic fluctuations, transforming them into macroscopic changes in density [ref. chaos theory and the pumping up of micro- to macroscopic changes as one of the characteristics of chaos].
Inflation itself depends on a number of assumptions. For example, it would have occurred only if the scalar field began with a large, approximately constant energy density. This approximately constant energy density is equivalent, at least for a brief time, to Einstein's famous (or infamous) cosmological constant. Therefore, like it or not, the success of inflation rests on certain assumptions about initial conditions [another aspect of chaos theory].
"What happened before inflation? How did the universe actually begin?" In the pre-inflation era, the size of the universe tends to zero, and the strength of the gravitational field and the energy density of matter tend to infinity. That is, the universe appears to have emerged from a singularity, a region of infinite curvature and energy density at which the known laws of physics break down.
Near a singularity, space-time becomes highly curved; its volume shrinks to very small dimensions. Under such circumstances, one must appeal to the theory of the very small--that is, to quantum theory. In quantum mechanics, motion is not deterministic, but probabilistic. A quantity called the wave function encodes the probabilistic information about such variables as position, momentum and energy.
For a single-point particle, one can regard the wave function as an oscillating field spread throughout physical space. Because of the uncertainty principle, the kinetic and potential energy of a system cannot both be exactly zero. Instead the system has a ground state in which the energy is as low as it can be. (Recall that in the inflationary universe, galaxies form from "ground-state fluctuations.") Such fluctuations also prevent the orbiting electron from crashing into the nucleus. The electrons have an orbit of minimum energy from which they cannot fall into the nucleus without violating the uncertainty principle.